Androscoggin Mill explosion in Jay causes no serious injuries

JAY —  The explosion that rocked the Androscoggin Mill on Wednesday afternoon, left many with a sickening sense of deja vu.

High in the minds of some was the blast in Farmington in September that killed a veteran firefighter and injured seven others.

The explosion, Davis said, occurred in the digester area of the mill. A mill official described the digester as a large container used to cook the chips in order to reduce them into individual fiber for the paper-making process.

A couple of people were treated for respiratory problems, Davis said, but otherwise there were no casualties after the explosion sent smoke and debris more than 100 feet into the air.

“The headline today,” said Roxie Lassetter, human resources manager for mill-owner Pixelle Specialty Solutions, “is that everyone is accounted for and there are no injuries on that mill site. It’s nothing short of a miracle and we are grateful.”

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