No firefighters hurt after coal dust explosion at Green Bay plant

REEN BAY, Wis. (WBAY) – No firefighters were hurt following a coal dust explosion in Green Bay.

Green Bay Metro Fire Department/Facebook

The Green Bay Metro Fire Department posted video of the April 19 blast on Facebook.

CLICK HERE to watch the video on Facebook.

The explosion at the power plant happens at about 40 seconds into the video. (The audio and video are out of sync.)

The department says the firefighters were in contact with plant employees, who gave them the heads up that a blast was likely.

“The piece of equipment which was on fire was designed with ‘blow out’ panels which allow a smaller explosion but reduce the chances of a catastrophic explosion,” says the Green Bay Metro Fire Department.

The department says the system worked as it was designed, and “EVERYONE WENT HOME SAFE!

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